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  1. Thank you Sir I will do just that. Thanks again for all the help!!
  2. I recently went through the painful process of updating my VPS to 20.04 and all my wallets to 2.3.2. I finally got everything online and "enabled." When I bring up my wallets they come up and sync. All MN show that they are happy. When I view my MNs on Explorer they show "enabled." The problem is that I am not receiving any rewards. Is there something else that I need to do to restart my rewards? It took me forever to get everything updated but I am pretty confident that everything is right. Can someone help me with this?
  3. Just wanted to give an update. I was able to get my Masternodes working. Apparently, the update that I was using on my VPS was also loading part of the script that I was loading from the update instructions (gitlab). Which means that I was trying to load it twice. This caused a ton of issues that I am not versed enough to articulate. I did get 20.04 done on Saturday and I appreciate all your help. They all show "enabled" and I can monitor them on the MN monitoring. I haven't received any tokens yet but I will ask this in another section of this website. Thanks guys.
  4. Good morning Sigma25, I have 4 masternodes, 2 in each wallet, that will stay enabled. They are also running 20.04. I have been pulling my hair out. I looked at the info last night ( guapcoin-cli getinfo ) and noticed that the ones that stay "enabled" are updating to the latest block and the others that go missing aren't. How is this possible if the reside in the same wallet? This is happening with 2 seperate wallets. It seems like a bug to me. The wallet itself will update to the latest block every time and sync...And thank you and Kevin so much for your help and sharing this frustration with me,
  5. I tried all the suggestions last night as I initialized all "missing" MNs from the console script that you gave me. They all initially went from missing to enabled, enabled to inactive, and eventually inactive to missing again. This took place over several hours that I left the wallet up. I usually have one or two that will remain enabled, and the rest will go to missing again.
  6. I do the EXACT same thing. I have created all of mine this way and updated them all before. I don't understand what's up.
  7. I did them all from the console script that you gave me. I will leave the wallets open for a few hours to see if the status will change. I will update you tomorrow.
  8. Hello Sigma25, I use putty to do my installs and I only have to put it in one time, thats in the virtual machine when I log into the VPS. The only other thing that I have to input is the private key, other than the three installs. I will try to initialize from the console as suggested by Keith first. I never have to put in the IP but once. Then it locates the address, where I log in as root and password. From there I start running commands. Some of them are showing enabled but the majority of them are showing inactive.
  9. I went through and read all the MN in one wallet yesterday and most of issues were "not initialized" eventhough I have initialized from the 3 dots in the wallet. They do show active for hours but will eventually go back to either inactive or expired status. I will try them from the console command that you gave me and go from there. Thanks.
  10. Thank you so much. I must have looked at it wrong or misdiagnosis the problem. I am actually syncing to the last block. The problem is that my status on several MNs keep changing from enabled to inactive to expired, etc. I checked the MN status command in Putty on the VPS and it says "not initialized." One said this is not a MN so I ran the setup on that one again. Is there some sort of initialization process that has to be performed in console or something? Both wallets are running 2.3.2, I verified it as you suggested.
  11. Thanks Sigma25, I usually do my own with a little help. This one isn't as straight forward as the previous 2 because this time I had to also upgrade my VPS servers. I am stupid but I can follow good instructions.😁
  12. Good Morning friends, I spent the last week upgrading to Ubuntu v20.04 on all my VPS. I then installed a fresh install of v 2.3.2 for 20.04 from scratch on all VPS. It is slow and tedious work LOL. Now when I start my wallets they don't update to the current block. If you have any suggestions they will be greatly appreciated. I had already updated my wallets to v 2.3.2 and they appeared to be working prior to the VPS upgrades. Thanks so much for all the help.
  13. I have one other question pertaining to this, Is this the current installation script for 20.04? If so, do I have to separate it at the (&& } ? cd Guap-v2.3.2-MN && chmod +x ./GUAP-v2.3.2-20.04-MN.sh && ./GUAP-v2.3.2-20.04-MN.sh

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