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I updated All my MN recently, and now I am not receiving any Rewards.


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I recently went through the painful process of updating my VPS to 20.04 and all my wallets to 2.3.2. I finally got everything online and "enabled." When I bring up my wallets they come up and sync. All MN show that they are happy.  When I view my MNs on Explorer they show "enabled." The problem is that I am not receiving any rewards. Is there something else that I need to do to restart my rewards? It took me forever to get everything updated but I am pretty confident that everything is right. Can someone help me with this?


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4 hours ago, Joe said:

I recently went through the painful process of updating my VPS to 20.04 and all my wallets to 2.3.2. I finally got everything online and "enabled." When I bring up my wallets they come up and sync. All MN show that they are happy.  When I view my MNs on Explorer they show "enabled." The problem is that I am not receiving any rewards. Is there something else that I need to do to restart my rewards? It took me forever to get everything updated but I am pretty confident that everything is right. Can someone help me with this?


Hooray!  That's incredible!  Nice work.  The masternodes will take about 2-3 days before they start receiving rewards once they are enabled.  So if they show status Enabled and are running fine, it's best to leave them be and wait a few days.

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3 minutes ago, Keith said:

Hooray!  That's incredible!  Nice work.  The masternodes will take about 2-3 days before they start receiving rewards once they are enabled.  So if they show status Enabled and are running fine, it's best to leave them be and wait a few days.

Thank you Sir I will do just that. Thanks again for all the help!!

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