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    November 3rd at 7pm Eastern. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86383580498?pwd=cXpzNnJieklYdXMvdmpWenA3N3Rhdz09 Come join the virtual meeting for the Guapcoin community. Topics Include: DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizatoin) Guap Community Projects Guap Communities and Roles (Tech Support) Other topics as requested by the community Please fill out this form to share what you would like to talk about in the town hall meeting: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6fkEHdh-_uXWQSVWJoTsOPRgv90HirMy2iunpgh6cY27r4g/viewform
  2. More details are posted on the community calendar here: Please fill out this form to share what you would like to talk about in the town hall meeting: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6fkEHdh-_uXWQSVWJoTsOPRgv90HirMy2iunpgh6cY27r4g/viewform
  3. until
    December 2, 2021 4pm-8pm EST Featuring Guapcoin community members: Khamani Harrison (Founder, The Key Bookstore & GUAPCOIN Node) Maven Muse (Director of Operations, Guap Foundation) Link: https://blacktechfutures.media/events Tickets ($1.00 minimum donation required): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nfts-future-biznss-of-art-tickets-189870476707?internal_ref=social DON'T MISS OUT! Black Tech Futures Media's 1st Virtual Event Streamed on Mul NFTs: Future Biznss of Art is a half-day virtual NFT artist event designed to deconstruct COVID-19's impact on art and business and how blockchain tech is amplifying the Creator Economy in 2021. Join our summit! You’re invited to attend a virtual party featuring artists, rappers, creators, and founders who will explore “NFTs and the Future of the Business of Art” during a half-day summit. The hosts, Ira Revels and Jamil Ahmed have over the past 40+ weeks co-hosted a weekly podcast engaging artists, poets, musicians, founders, collectors, and creators about NFTs (i.e. non-fungible tokens or smart contracts and crypto art). NFTs, or non-fungible tokens are a new way for creators to engage their audiences, sell their work, and get paid royalties on secondary+ sales! During the summit, you will participate in 15-minute use talks by leading creators in crypto, blockchain, and digital art about the blockchain, artist funding, Defi platform grants, and fundraising for their creative projects during COVID-19. We also debut our new show “What the Fungible?” with a digital wallet tutorial and connect to other BIPOC creators for answers to your most pressing questions about NFTs, DeFi, Web3. We want you to know ways to prepare for what is being called, "the new internet." Finally, we're celebrating BTFM’s first AI/VR artist – Balam Soto’s genesis NFT drop! Below are just some of our speakers & performers. Learn Defi, NFTs, dApps, & more! SPEAKERS Khamani Harrison Founder, The Key Bookstore & GUAPCOIN Node Nicole Maxwell CEO, Technikole Consulting & CAO The Black Metaverse Maven Muse Director of Operations, Guap Foundation Dr. Lemny Perez Psychologist & NFT Artist Moderator, Clubhouse Lord Sanctus Founder/Rapper, Connect The Coast Web 3 Indie Hip Hop Label Stefan Youngblood Founder/CEO, Hireblack.com Founder/CEO, The Black Metaverse PERFORMERS Valentine Rapper & NFT Artist FUN NFT DROP PARTY Hartford, CT AR/VR artist Balam Soto makes his genesis NFT collection available on a popular marketplace. Black Tech Futures Media is excited to work with Balam, providing guidance on his first-ever collection of 50 images that he captured from an AI software program he coded.
  4. Nice job! If you need help setting up the masternode, here are some instructions:
  5. Keith

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  6. Guapcoin has a passionate global community working together. To help us stay informed and connected, here are some primary links: Guapcoin Websites Main website - https://guapcoin.org/ Guapcoin wallets - https://guapcoin.org/get-guap/ Guapcoin roadmap - https://guapcoin.org/guapcoin-roadmap/ Guap Foundation - https://guapfoundationglobal.org/ Merchant directory - https://www.guaplist.com/ GitHub - https://github.com/guapcrypto ProBit Exchange - www.probit.com/app/exchange/GUAP-BTC Blockchain explorer - https://guapexplorer.com/ Blockchain explorer - https://ex1.guapcoin.org/ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/guapcoinofficial Instagram page - http://instagram.com/guapcoin Reddit page - https://www.reddit.com/r/Guapcoin/ Twitter channel - https://twitter.com/guapcoin YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/GuapCoinOfficial/videos Guapcoin X Main website - https://guapx.network/ Guapcoin Groups Telegram - main group (more groups listed below too) - https://t.me/joinchat/2jdJc8qTvEBjZmNh Telegram - support group - https://t.me/joinchat/HgQWhIFCqaeXLzPF Telegram - guapswap group - https://t.me/GuapSwap Online forum - https://www.guaptalk.org/ Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/guapcoin/ Nu Network group - https://www.nu.network/group/guapcoinofficial Discord group - https://discord.gg/7zybbcp2NW Tavonia Evans Instagram channel - https://www.instagram.com/Cryptodeeva/ Twitter channel - https://twitter.com/tavoniaevans Learning Resources FAQ's and Tutorials - https://guapcoin.org/tutorials/ Knowledge Base - https://guapcoin.org/knowledge-base/ YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/GuapCoinOfficial/videos Forum Knowledge Base - https://www.guaptalk.org/forum/46-knowledge-base Telegram Groups Main Telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/2jdJc8qTvEBjZmNh Guapcoin Announcements - https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFPP0ZKOt7tXRhGNJQ Guapcoin Developers - https://t.me/joinchat/FGBSnYBOj9AxODIx Guapcoin Merchants - https://t.me/GuapMerchants Guapcoin Support - https://t.me/joinchat/HgQWhIFCqaeXLzPF Guapcoin Spirit - https://t.me/guapspirit Guapcoin Trading - https://t.me/guaptrading Guapcoin Swap - https://t.me/GuapSwap Guapcoin Africa - https://t.me/GuapcoinAfrica Guapcoin Nigeria - https://t.me/GuapcoinNigeria Guapcoin Uganda - https://t.me/joinchat/FzKuWob4EDQ0YjA5 Guapcoin Tanzania - https://t.me/joinchat/6hqyurbpxp4yMmEx Guapcoin Canada - https://t.me/joinchat/Pyf-WZOdkm45M2Nh
  7. Ok, the wallet typically says that when the command isn't recognized as a valid command. Let's double check a few things: Are you using wallet version 2.3.1 (you'll see it in the lower left corner of your wallet)? You need that version. When you hover over the circle arrows in the upper menu, does it say synchronized? Let me know if there's a good time for you, and we could DM and try to solve it if I'm available. I tested the importprivkey on my wallet and it worked so I want to help you out!
  8. Hi @Mimi Gee and @JellyBean, Thanks so much for helping, Mimi Gee. I'm going to private message Tavonia's email to Jelly Bean so it's not just posted here publicly, and I removed it from your post above for that reason. So grateful for this community looking out for each other!
  9. Hi Olivia! Welcome to the GUAP family! At this time, there is no longer an option to buy a partial masternode share. Partial masternode shares were offered during the foundational period of GUAP development, but that is being phased out. For now, your options are to acquire 10,000 coins and setup your own masternode, or acquire at least 1,000 coins and keep your desktop wallet unlocked for staking and running 24/7. Here are instructions for setting up your own masternode with 10,000 coins:
  10. Oh sorry! We'll get you there! Good news is you have your private keys so we can make it happen. Instead of typing importwallet, type importprivkey followed by one of your private keys, so it will look like this: importprivkey 12345678GBQA
  11. If you go to your desktop wallet, click on MasterNodes, and look for this specific masternode, does it show Enabled? If so, I'd wait a couple more days. If you had to restart the node at all, or if it got disconnected/Missing from network and then had to go from Active to Enabled again, it will go through the 2-4 day waiting period as it begins participating in the network and then generating rewards. Your other option is to delete this node and rebuild it, which is something that I and other have had to do if for some reason the build just doesn't go right. If your desktop wallet says it's Enabled though, I'd wait a couple more days before going that route.
  12. To see the status of a Masternode, I recommend doing the following: Go to https://guapcoinexplorer.com/ and click on Masternodes, then insert your wallet address into the small search field as noted below. There you will see the true network status of your wallet. See the screenshot below. Currently, your wallet is Enabled, meaning it should soon receive rewards. It typically seems to take anywhere from 48-96 hours (2-4 days) from when a masternode first goes active to when it starts to receive a reward. Every time your masternode is restarted, it will go through that same 48-96 (2-4 days) hours waiting period before rewards come in. So for yours, it all looks set up right at the moment, just probably another 1-2 days before rewards start coming. Also, you can go to your desktop wallet and click on Master Nodes on the left. The screen that comes up will show you the network status as well. You want to see status Enabled, which means participating in network and eligible to generate rewards.
  13. If you have 10,000 Guapcoin, congratulations! You can setup your own Masternode! Be prepared to do some learning and follow the instructions carefully. If you're new to processing transactions in the desktop wallet, it's a good idea here (and with crypto in general) to start with sending a few coins (like 1-10) before sending large amounts so that you make sure you're doing it right and having it go through. No one can get your coins back if you accidentally enter the wrong address, send the wrong amount of coins, or mess up the transaction. You can choose to self-host your masternode where you setup the code on a VPS server, or use a 3rd party where they run the code on their servers. Either option lets you keep the coins in your wallet. Masternode Payouts As of June 2023, the payout is 12.75 Guap per day. The rewards will gradually taper down through the years. More info can be found here: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/230-masternode-and-staking-rewards/ Running a masternode requires that you have a desktop wallet Get a desktop wallet here - https://guapcoin.org/get-guap/ IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR PRIVATE KEYS IMMEDIATELY FOR EVERY ADDRESS YOU CREATE (INSTRUCTIONS ARE FURTHER BELOW) Option 1 - Setup via pecuniaplatform.io (less control, less difficult, less expensive - around $1/mo) They host the MN for you; you keep your coins in your wallet Here's the link: https://pecuniaplatform.io/ This option is a simpler route than self-hosting Here is an instruction video done by a Guap community member: https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=lUyprxerbCY Basically, you setup your Pecunia account, fund your account with some bitcoin to pay the MN hosting fees, send 10,000 in coins to a Guap address you've created in your desktop wallet, then follow the Pecunia instructions for setting up the MN. You still retain your coins in your own wallet. The MN script gets setup through the Pecunia automated system and hosted on their servers. Their support team will help you with issues. So far our community has had good experience with them, but there's always the risk that their servers could go down or the MN not be installed correctly, or go offline, and you have to rely on them to maintain and fix any issues. Your coins always remain in your control, just like the self-hosted VPS option. Option 2 - Setup via nodehub.io (less control, less difficult, less expensive - around $1.89/mo) They host the MN for you; you keep your coins in your wallet Here's the link: https://nodehub.io/ This option is a simpler route than self-hosting Basically, you setup your NodeHub account, fund your account (with cryptocurrency, credit or debit card, or Apple Pay) to pay the MN hosting fees, send 10,000 in coins to a Guap address you've created in your desktop wallet, then follow the NodeHub instructions for setting up the MN. You still retain your coins in your own wallet. The MN script gets setup through the NodeHub automated system and hosted on their servers. Their support team will help you with issues. So far our community has had good experience with them, but there's always the risk that their servers could go down or the MN not be installed correctly, or go offline, and you have to rely on them to maintain and fix any issues. Your coins always remain in your control, just like the self-hosted VPS option. Option 3 - Setup via a VPS Server (more control, more difficult, more expensive - around $5-$10/mo) You self-host by renting a server and running the setup script; you keep your coins in your wallet Instructions can be found here: https://github.com/guapcrypto/Guap-v2.3.2-MN#guapcoin-masternode-setup Go to Section 4. How to Setup a MasterNode Guide - Full Tutorial Here are some more detailed instructions (use in combo with the link above as some have been updated): https://github.com/jaylamb1/Guapcoin-MN-Install-V2/blob/master/Full_MN_Install_Instructions.md? Here is an instruction video done by a Guap community member: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2-dQkTu5c0 You'll use an online Ubuntu Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) running Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 that you rent from somewhere and then configure yourself with the Guapcoin MN script. VPS providers that community members have used and liked are: DigitalOcean, Vultr, VPSDime, MVPS, and Ionos You'll also need to install either Putty software for Windows, or Terminal.app for macOS Here are instructions for connection to a DigitalOcean Droplet via Putty https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/droplets/how-to/connect-with-ssh/putty/ So far our community has had good experience with this route, but there's always the risk that their servers could go down, which is usually very rare for VPS servers. The configuration, setup, and maintenance are all your responsibility. If the MN doesn't get installed correctly, or goes offline, you'll have to figure it out and fix it (of course, you can ask the Guap Community for help along the way). Your coins always remain in your control. Again, you need to backup your private keys by doing the following: This is important because if your PC crashes, that's what you'll need to setup a GUAP wallet on a new PC and regain access to each wallet address. You don't want to lose access to your coins! No one can help you get them without that private key or the wallet dump file noted below. Make sure you backup the private key for each wallet address you have in your desktop. Do these steps every time you create a new wallet address you're going to use! Here's how you do that: 1) Unlock your wallet 2) Go to settings > debug> console 3) type dumpprivkey followed by your public wallet address, so it looks like this: dumpprivkey GU12345678 4) In the console window, copy the result line and save it somewhere safe Another option is to create a wallet backup file by doing this: 1) Unlock your wallet 2) Go to settings> Wallet 3) Under the Backup Wallet heading, click on the words "Select Folder" and choose a location to save your wallet backup file 4) Choose a name for your file and click save Many of us actually do both options just to be extra safe. And make sure to save them somewhere safe you trust: in the cloud, on a USB drive, printed keys, etc, not just on the computer that could die because if you only save them on that computer and it dies, then you're still locked out of your coins forever. Again, you need to do this every time you create a new wallet address in your desktop wallet! Checking Masternode Status You can see your status in your desktop wallet by going to Master Nodes. It's a good idea to do this regularly to make sure its status stays Enabled. You can login to your VPS or Pecunia or iHostMN to check on the status. You can go to https://guapexplorer.com/#/masternode and enter your Masternode wallet address and see if it was online in the past 24 hours or search through the list to see if you've gotten recent rewards.

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