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Posts posted by Keith

  1. May 18, 2022

    Tavonia Evans, Atlanta-based founder of $Guapcoin, talks about how cryptocurrency -- despite its recent selloffs -- offers an alternative investing option for underserved minority communities that mistrust the stock market. She shares her vision for small businesses expanding their use of cryptocurrency. 


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  2. 9 hours ago, MiraMar said:


      Yesterday I sent over 10,000 Guap from my desktop wallet v2.3.1 to my mobile iOS wallet yet the transaction has not manifested. I looked for the tx ID in guapexplorer and it’s unable to find the transaction.  

    Hi MiraMar!  Sorry for the trouble.  Your desktop wallet will only connect with the blockchain and be able to send/receive transactions and sync correctly if you upgrade it to v2.3.2.  Please do the following:

    1. Go to https://guapexplorer.com/ and paste in the address of the desktop wallet you were trying to send the coins from and see if that address shows all the coins still sitting in it.  Let me know what you find and feel free to direct message me your wallet address if you want me to help and don't want to post it publicly here.
    2. Take a bit to just read the instruction for upgrading your desktop wallet here: Update Instructions and make sure your wallet is backed up.  You can wait to upgrade your wallet until we figure out the transactions first, or you can proceed with the upgrade if you feel comfortable. Just don't do it without first backing up your desktop wallet including private keys, top priority.

    Keep me posted please!

  3. On 5/3/2022 at 2:39 PM, ClokTen said:

    This is very exciting to see. There is a network called Overline that is developing technology that connects the main blockchains and plan to exchange on its own wireless network (independent of the internet) built into the New York skyscraper at 111 W. 57th St so things may change pretty quickly. Can wait til that GUAP Blockchain L2 is up and running because I would love to drop have the ClokTen coin on there. Keep up the great work!!!

    Thanks for sharing your excitement and determination, along with your dreams of the possibilities as Guapcoin could connect with other projects through the efforts of its community.  Great things can happen when we work together for the good of all.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, King Of New York said:

    i need help to recover my guap wallet. can someone help me

    Are you still having the same troubles you noted up above? You can also try chatting in the Telegram support group and some community members might be able to help you out in a more real-time way too: https://t.me/joinchat/HgQWhIFCqaeXLzPF

    If you have your private key, the basic steps are:

    1. On the new computer, install the new 2.3.2 Guapcoin wallet from here: https://guapcoin.org/get-guap/
    2. Once the wallet is fully installed and synced, make sure it is unlocked.
    3. Go to settings > debug > console and type this in the command line (I'm entering 12345 as a fake private key but you replace it with your true private key copied and pasted if possible so you don't mis-type) : importprivkey 12345
    4. Then hit enter and it should import your wallet to the desktop wallet.
    • Like 1
  5. Use your passion and skills to help grow the Guap global family
    There are so many ways that you can help this project thrive.  You have so much to offer.  Together, we are the wealth!

    Here are just a few ideas:

    1. Talk about Guapcoin with family, friends, people you meet, anyone, and help them get a Guap wallet!
    2. Start paying friends with Guapcoin and keep the Guap flowing in the community.
    3. Write a post in the Why Does Guapcoin Matter section here on Guaptalk.
    4. Broadcast info about Guap on social media.
    5. Connect with Black-owned businesses and invite them to be merchants.
    6. Answer people's questions in the Telegram group or here on Guaptalk.
    7. Be involved with Guap marketing projects.
    8. Join the Guap development Telegram group (listed in the official links post ).
    9. Contact The Guap Foundation and offer your skills.
    10. Donate to The Guap Foundation.
    11. Raise funds for The Guap Foundation.
    12. Vote daily at CoinMarketCap that you feel good about Guapcoin. Here's the link: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/guapcoin/
    13. Take your own unique actions alone or with others in the community.
    • Like 1
  6. Hey Guap Family,
    I just wanted to share my perspective and understanding on the four major projects Tavonia recently mentioned in Telegram that she and her team are currently working on.  Keep in mind these are short summaries and you'll want to dig further by reading the websites and published papers, and also researching the technology that's referenced, but I'm hoping this at least gives some basic clarity and keeps the community dreaming about what's possible.

    Project 1 - Nu MetaVerse
    A MetaVerse project being built from the ground up via a new layer 2 Guapcoin blockchain that's structured on top of the current layer 1 Guapcoin blockchain.  In other words, it piggy-backs on top of the current guapcoin blockchain and will allow the Nu metaverse currency, Guapcoin, and other currencies to flow throughout the metaverse, while still remaining connected to the Guapcoin blockchain that's already built and in operation.  See this link for a quick summary about Layer 2 chains: https://academy.binance.com/en/glossary/layer-2 and you can also Google Layer 2 for more a lot more detailed information.  

    Furthermore, it's significant to note that Nu metaverse will be connected with the Nu Social Media Platform that Tavonia has already built and been working on, which is part of why the whitepaper articulates that Nu is the first Metaverse that crosses the boundary of virtual reality and reality.  See these links for more information about the Nu Social Media Platform: http://queenrising.com/fly/culture/join-nu-social-media-platform/  and  https://nu.network/

    Project 2 - GuapPay
    A payment platform solution to help Guap merchants (particularly small businesses) and Guap users gain access to Guapcoin and utilize it as a currency, keeping the money flowing among the Black Community (instead of leaving it), while benefitting the community through transaction processing fees/rewards that stay in the community (those connected to GuapPay as well as stakers and masternode holders).  Read through the pitch deck Tavonia posted, and take a look at the website and you'll see that this solution is all about making it easier for Black Owned Businesses to accept Guapcoin, have access to liquidity, and be given support by a proficient team along the way, while also providing consumers with options like prepaid crypto cards, crypto debit & loyalty cards, and training and support.  All of this built around Guapcoin as the currency and the blockchain hub.
    Pitch Deck: GuapPay Deck.pdf

    Project 3 - Venture Capital Fundraising
    We all know that like any other crypto project, Guapcoin needs money to advance to the next levels.  There have been a lot of crypto projects of all different types and sizes that sell an initial massive amount of coins (initial coin offering) or NFT's  to gain a huge influx of funding.  That's not the route that Tavonia and Guapcoin team chose at the beginning.  This is a bootstrapped, community participated and fundraised project built via grassroots effort.  All too often, you'll hear stories of these projects that took the large initial funding and ran away with it, or the project faded away, and lost all momentum.  Guapcoin is still here with a passionate community, almost 5 years strong, and more catching the vision.  Receiving venture capital would be a huge boost to the Guapcoin ecosystem, project, and capabilities.

    Project 4 - XGuap
    You don't need XGuap unless you want to trade Guapcoin on a decentralized exchange like PancakeSwap.

    Take a look at the website and you'll get some more info.  The goal of this project is to give people more access to Guapcoin, which increases liquidity for everyone.  XGuap is like Guapcoin that's been put in a suitcase/wrapper so it can be traded on the Binance Smart Chain.  Guapcoin gets wrapped in a smart contract code suitcase and that process/conversion results in XGuap being generated and sent to the user's wallet (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Binance Wallet, Metamask, etc) to be traded on a decentralized exchange like PancakeSwap.  Or a user buys XGuap on PancakeSwap and then unwraps it (pulls Guapcoin out of the suitcase) via the smart-contract code and receives Guapcoin in their Guap wallet at a 1 to 1 ratio.  Some examples are presented further down.

    The community has talked for awhile about how it would be great if Guapcoin was on another exchange besides just ProBit.  The reality is, getting listed on other centralized exchanges (Coinbase, Kukoin, Kraken, etc) requires a large payment of upfront capital and/or a lengthy approval process (sometimes with no responses for months), and that's not the only route to go.  Another option is to utilize decentralized exchanges like PancakeSwap or UniSwap (among many others, but those are two of the larger more well-established ones) and get Guapcoin on there.

    A decentralized exchange lets users remain anonymous.  You basically get a compatible software crypto wallet (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Binance Wallet, Metamask, etc), connect your wallet to the decentralized exchange of your choice, and make the direct trade from one coin to another.  No registration, no proof of identity, no know your customer steps.  However, it does require some study, learning, and careful attention to detail to have your transactions go through and send funds to/from that wallet, and make sure you're actually getting the coin you want. So users need to proceed with care, watch videos, learn as much as possible before just jumping in, and then start slow with small amounts of coins.  It's not for everyone, and ProBit will still remain a valid option for buying/selling Guapcoin.

    XGuap will start on PancakeSwap
    PancakeSwap operates on Binance Smart Chain (allowing you to trade coins connected to that blockchain) and UniSwap operates on the Ethereum blockchain (allowing you to trade coins connected to that blockchain). Since Guapcoin is its own blockchain, it can't be traded directly on either of those decentralized exchanges because it's not part of the Binance or Ethereum blockchains.  One option is to create a wrapped token called XGuap that's like a little suitcase to carry Guapcoin on the Binance Smart Chain decentralized exchange.  Part of the reason that Binance Smart Chain was chosen is because it has significantly lower fees than the Ethereum Blockchain.  Read here for more info about wrapped tokens: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-are-wrapped-tokens

    Again, you don't need XGuap unless you want to trade Guapcoin on a decentralized exchange like PancakeSwap.  It’s not a necessity for anyone, just an option for those that prefer it.  Here are a few examples:

    Example 1 - 
    I want to buy Guapcoin.  I’ve never registered with ProBit or any other centralized exchange.  I don’t want to register or maybe I live in a country that won’t allow me to register.  I’ve been able to acquire Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and USDT, and I’m familiar with what’s needed to deposit/convert those and trade on PancakeSwap.  So I connect my wallet to PancakeSwap and make the exchange from the crypto that I have to XGuap.  Then I go to https://www.xguap.com/ and convert my XGuap 1 to 1 for Guapcoin via a smart-contract code, and the Guapcoin gets deposited into the Guap wallet address I specify.

    Example 2 - 
    I want to sell Guapcoin.  Same story as above except I first go to https://www.xguap.com/ and convert my Guapcoin 1 to 1 for XGuap via a smart-contract code, and the XGuap is deposited to the wallet I specify (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Binance Wallet, Metamask, etc). I then go to PancakeSwap and make the trade for the crypto that I want.

    Example 3 - 
    I want to participate in some crypto defi protocols like lending, staking, liquidity pools, etc on other blockchains.  I have some extra Guapcoin.  I go to https://www.xguap.com/ and convert my Guapcoin 1 to 1 for XGuap via a smart-contract code, and that XGuap gets deposited to the wallet I specify (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Binance Wallet, Metamask, etc).  I then trade that XGuap on PancakeSwap for the coin I need to participate in whatever defi protocol I’m looking for.

    Hopefully all that was helpful!  You can also join Tavonia’s Discord https://discord.gg/7zybbcp2NW to learn more about these projects, teach others, and find out ways you can contribute.  

  7. March 31, 2022
    Analytics Insight Magazine

    Tavonia Evans, The entrepeneur at the intersection of blockchain and women advocacy.
    "The future of blockchain and cryptocurrency will involve the people it was intended to serve and bring equity to - the common people.  Our focus on mass adoption will finally be realized by giving greater access and ease of use to the common man and woman who can truly benefit from the innovation."

    How do you envision Guapcoin to transform the decentralized ecosystem?
    "I see Guapcoin as a financial voice for the common people in the future.  We are constantly expanding our vision to be more inclusive of everyone, particularly those whose voices have yet to be heard in the blockchain.  We are still fairly early in this space so the majority of the people who are impacted have not shown up yet, but they will.  When they show up, we want to have built an ecosytem that suits their comfort level and most importantly has invested in building the trust they need to thrive in it.  We are going to have a world of blockchains and blockchain ecosystems that interconnect and make everyone feel valued in some way."

    Read more here: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/Top-10-Women-Leader-in-Blockchain-Technology-to-Follow-in-2022/#page=10

  8. March 29, 2022

    Guapcoin aims to impact minority small businesses by keeping track of the community’s spending habits. Studies show that the lifespan of the dollar is just six hours in Black communities. More income needs to stay within the community to lessen the wealth gap.

    “This is something that will solve a lot of the problems within our community,” said Evans. “The blockchain is a lens on how to keep the money circulating in the community.”


  9. March 21, 2022

    Creative Convos, hosted by Cdeeq
    Interview with Tavonia Evans, founder of Guapcoin
    Black Owned Cryptocurrency "Guapcoin" is Helping Black & Brown Communities

    Tavonia Evans created Guapcoin, a decentralized cryptocurrency to help Black and Brown communities. Here's how it's setting the blueprint for culture-related crypto and working to close the wealth gap.



  10. I think you need to make sure your wallet is upgraded to 2.3.1 or perhaps you still have two versions of your wallet on your Mac, maybe the old 2.3.1 and the new 2.3.2 and you're sometimes opening the wrong one.  That's happened to quite a few people, like me, when we first did the upgrade and hadn't deleted the old wallet yet.

  11. Hi Yolanda!  I'll just share my experience and understanding in case it's helpful.  Basically, the more coins that are in a wallet address that is staking, the more frequently that wallet will receive rewards.  If I have my desktop wallet set to staking and have masternodes, I generally find that the 10,000 coins don't really count toward staking.  So the masternode wallets will rarely receive staking rewards unless they get at least 11,000 coins, but even that will generate minimal rewards because it's only 1,000 extra coins.  So masternode staking rewards will be really random (even occasional duplicates), especially if they don't hold many coins above 10,000.

    • In general, my experience is if you stake 1,000-3,000, you’ll get a reward every 3-5 days or longer, but if you stake above 5,000, you’ll get a reward daily or every other day. It’s random and not guaranteed. It typically takes 1-3 days after staking before the rewards show up.
    • The more you stake in a wallet address, the more regularly and frequently the rewards come.
    • Also, the more transactions that are flowing in the Guap blockchain, the more proof of stake is needed, and the more rewards will start flowing.
  12. On 3/15/2022 at 7:11 PM, Denala said:

    Peace Fam,

    Willing all is well.

    My Mobile Wallet stopped receiving rewards again from the Guap pool eff. 3/12/2022 any updates?


    Hey Denala!  Hope life is going well for you too! It looks like your wallet is receiving rewards again on March 16.  Sometimes the nodes will go down, and it can take a few days for them to go back online as Tavonia and team work on them.

  13. From the Guapcoin Development Team:

    This is a public notice in response to the recent changes to block rewards currently producing 15.75 to masternode and 5.25 staking.

    Question Why are the Block rewards no longer 20 MN and 5 staking?
    Answer: The 20 Masternode 5 staking reward system was designed to be a temporary payout system which would automatically expire in February after the Tulsa DAO update. During the testing of the DAO we discovered a programming error that would not permit the original agreed upon rewards payout of 16 MN 5 staking because it was not the correct mathematical configuration for a 80/20 split, therefore were forced to make a quick adjustment to the source code by altering the reward values to 15.75 masternodes and 5.25 staking. The updated rewards structure accurately reflects 80/20 rewards payout and allowed the development team to compile the source code and deliver 2.3.2

    Question: Why was this issue not released to the Community until now?
    Answer:  The Tulsa update contained security bugs and a concern in regards to a misuse of the DAO. As those concerns were being addressed, the Dev Team also noticed an issue where the new voted upon rewards structure was unable to be programmed into code and compiled for implementation. Ultimately, the rewards change was an oversight on our side and we neglected to inform the community due to our focus on fixing the DAO. 

    Based on the the current state of the DAO, and its block reward distribution, which is 80/20, the existing reward of 15.75 MasterNodes (MN) plus 5.25 Staking (STK) are accurate. 

    Question: Where is the treasury?
    Currently, there is no set allocation for the treasury. The existing algorithm, inclusive of the mathematical calculation/requirement that ensures an 80/20 split solely be allocated toward MN/Staking is the latest milestone in the DAO rollout. The most recent deadline was reached this past February, which is where we are as of 3/7/2022.

    Question: What will be the updated reward system to ensure a 80/20 split between masternode holders and staking?
    Answer:  The properly formatted reward system below is the closest we could configure to the original voted upon values. 

    Block height 1,350,000 to 2,000,000
    Block Reward : 21 Guap
    75% for MN (15.75 Guap for MN)
    25% for Staker(5.25 Guap for Staker)”””
    Superblock reward: 172,800 GUAP

    Block height  2,000,001 to 4,000,000
    Block Reward : 17 Guap
    75% for MN (12.75 Guap for MN)
    25% for Staker(4.25 Guap for Staker)”””
    Superblock reward: 138,240 GUAP

    Block height 4,000,001 – 6,000,000
    Block Reward : 13 Guap
    75% for MN (9.75 Guap for MN)
    25% for Staker(3.25 Guap for Staker)”””
    Superblock reward: 103,680 GUAP

    Block height 6,000,000 to ~
    Block Reward : 9 Guap
    75% for MN (6.75 Guap for MN)
    25% for Staker(2.25 Guap for Staker)”””
    Superblock reward: 43,200 GUAP

    For more information please reach out the the Guapcoin Dev Team via Telegram. 

  14. A grand welcome to you!  
    All of you from the Hilton Top Solicitors Virtual Female Internship Programme are incredible, brilliant, courageous, and honored as you work to make the world a better and more just place.  We're excited to have you as part of the Guapcoin family!
    Here is a beginner's guide to Guapcoin to help you get started: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/220-beginners-guide-to-guapcoin/

    Thanks for sharing your wallet address!  Make sure to check it in the coming days for a welcome deposit, per the talk that Tavonia had with your group!


    May your days be filled with strength and blessing!

  15. A grand welcome to you!  
    All of you from the Hilton Top Solicitors Virtual Female Internship Programme are incredible, brilliant, courageous, and honored as you work to make the world a better and more just place.  We're excited to have you as part of the Guapcoin family!
    Here is a beginner's guide to Guapcoin to help you get started: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/220-beginners-guide-to-guapcoin/

    Thanks for sharing your wallet address!  Make sure to check it in the coming days for a welcome deposit, per the talk that Tavonia had with your group!

    May your days be filled with strength and blessing!

  16. A grand welcome to you!  
    All of you from the Hilton Top Solicitors Virtual Female Internship Programme are incredible, brilliant, courageous, and honored as you work to make the world a better and more just place.  We're excited to have you as part of the Guapcoin family!
    Here is a beginner's guide to Guapcoin to help you get started: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/220-beginners-guide-to-guapcoin/

    As Tavonia mentioned, please make sure to reply here with your Guapcoin wallet address once you have your wallet set up.


    May your days be filled with strength and blessing!

  17. A grand welcome to you!  
    All of you from the Hilton Top Solicitors Virtual Female Internship Programme are incredible, brilliant, courageous, and honored as you work to make the world a better and more just place.  We're excited to have you as part of the Guapcoin family!
    Here is a beginner's guide to Guapcoin to help you get started: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/220-beginners-guide-to-guapcoin/

    As Tavonia mentioned, please make sure to reply here with your Guapcoin wallet address once you have your wallet set up.

    May your days be filled with strength and blessing!

  18. A grand welcome to you!  
    All of you from the Hilton Top Solicitors Virtual Female Internship Programme are incredible, brilliant, courageous, and honored as you work to make the world a better and more just place.  We're excited to have you as part of the Guapcoin family!
    Here is a beginner's guide to Guapcoin to help you get started: https://www.guaptalk.org/topic/220-beginners-guide-to-guapcoin/

    As Tavonia mentioned, please make sure to reply here with your Guapcoin wallet address once you have your wallet set up.

    May your days be filled with strength and blessing!

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